Acknowledgements for “Atomic and ionic radii in Jmol ” and “3D Periodic Table of Radii”
- Jmol program and documentation []
- Jmol's radii values come (Jan 2004) from OpenBabel [] and Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 48th ed, 1967-8, p. F143.
- PDB file with 3D periodic table arrangement, atomic, ionic and Van der Waals radii was copied from “3D Periodic Table of Radii (using Chime)” web page, by Dr. Scot Wherland,
Prof. of Chemistry,
Dept. of Chemistry,
Washington State University, USA. Used with permission from the author (then adapted to Jmol). [] (March 2004, last accessed 10 Aug 2005)
- Radii values in Dr. Wherland's PDB file originated in the periodic table database program “KC? Discoverer”: Feng, A.; Moore, J. W.; Harwood, W.; Gayhart, R. KC? Discoverer: Exploring the Properties of the Chemical Elements J. Chem. Educ. Software 1B1 []
- Ideas and scripts adapted to Jmol from those present in “3D Periodic Table of Radii”.
- Idea and data for “display atom size proportional to relative abundance in humans” were taken from “Molecular Models for Biochemistry at CMU” by Dr. William McClure, Carnegie Mellon University, USA [] (1997-2003, last accessed 10 Aug 2005)
- Data for “only elements included in PDB or NDB” taken from IMB Jena [] (7 Sep 2005)
These pages using Jmol were written by Dr. Angel Herráez, Dep. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
Comments and suggestions are welcome. []