Initially shown: Jmol's default Van der Waals radius and color scheme
Single radius:

Ionic with charge

All radii:   (rotate the model using the mouse)
-4, -3, -2, -1, uncharged, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, Van der Waals
  • for
  • only for elements in period
  • only for elements in group
Coloring schemes:
metal, nonmetal, metalloid.
main group metal, transition metal, main group nonmetal, metalloid, inner transition metal.
Singular, instructive views:
Display atom size proportional to relative abundance in humans (dry weight).
Pattern of ionization along the groups.
Only elements included in PDB or NDB.

This page uses Jmol's values of radii and colors
