Demonstration of JSmol capabilities

JSmol is the HTML5 modality of Jmol, able to be embedded into web pages. All the functionality of Jmol (as a standalone application) is also present in JSmol.


Check out the Screenshot Gallery (still images) to see samples of what can be done with Jmol.

Interactive JSmol demonstration pages

These are simple pages that demonstrate basic functionality using some of the interactive scripting capabilities provided by the JSmol object (HTML5 + JavaScript).

You can see more sophisticated applications of JSmol following the list of websites that use Jmol at the Jmol Wiki.

Export to 3D scenes

Jmol can export to several 3D scene / 3D world / virtual reality / 3D printer formats, like VRML, X3D, IDTF, (U3D), Maya, OBJ or STL. Check out some sample files.